
The pop of champagne evokes the feelings of festivity, abundance & joy. Join us where the bubbly overflows as we celebrate life's finest moments; marriages, births, adventures, the achievement of goals & new possibilities. 'Too much of anything is bad, but too much champagne is just right.' - F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Bubbly

    Why You Should Embrace the Explorer Within: Recharging at Home and on the Road

    Are you always eager to explore your surroundings when you travel for work? Do you find yourself more curious and adventurous when stepping foot onto foreign soil? Yet, when at home, your adventurous spirit seems to take a backseat? Is it just the byproduct of habituation by our home routines, or is there something more to this phenomenon?

    Let’s dive into the reasons why we are more inclined to explore when we are traveling and how new environments impact our brain. What might be the benefits of approaching our familiar surroundings with the same energy as a traveler? What are some practical ways to rekindle that explorer mindset to live a happier, more fulfilling, and exciting life at home.

    The Lure of Unfamiliar Surroundings

    The allure of unfamiliar surroundings lies in our inherent curiosity and the desire for new experiences. When in a new environment, our senses are heightened as our brain processes novel stimuli, leading to increased alertness and attentiveness. A fresh location offers new sights, sounds, smells, and opportunities to learn and grow, which can lead to increased self-reflection and self-discovery.

    Our Brain on Wanderlust

    Research indicates that being in a new environment stimulates our brain, strengthening cognitive functions and improving mental health. A [study](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12562-015-0902-z) published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life suggests that even just planning and anticipating a trip can significantly increase happiness levels.

    The On-the-Road vs. At-Home Conundrum

    Traveling for work often involves similar responsibilities and tasks as when working from home. yet somehow, even with these same work responsibilities, we tend to adopt a different mindset on the road. We see travel as an opportunity to break free from our everyday routines, and this change of scenery helps us reduce stress and recharge our batteries even while carrying our usual work load. I notice myself engaging in conversation with strangers more than usual, trying out new and interesting restaurants even when it’s a business travel city I’ve been to a million times before, looking up local events to check out, all of which end up contributing to a richer, more fulfilling experience away from home.

    How to Bring the Traveler’s Mindset Home

    Here are some ideas I plan to put into practice when I get back home to help me keep this explorer spirit alive in my daily life:

    Challenge my daily habits by introducing small changes, such as trying a new coffee shop or taking a different route to work.

    Visit local museums, parks, or attractions that I’ve either never explored before or only take advantage of when I’m entertaining visitors away from THEIR homes.

    There are tons of cultural events, food festivals, social gatherings, and live music adventures happening in my city too and I plan on making it a point to join in.

    Even if I’m out with my husband or my local friends I should always make it a point to engage in conversations with new people when we are out because they bring new stories, perspectives and potentially widen our friends circle.

    While I love our old standby fave restaurants there are so many new places popping up just waiting to be explored. I’m going to make a point of being open to traveling just a few miles farther for a meal out just to experience something new and exciting.

    By adopting the mindset of an excited traveler while at home, we can infuse our daily lives with a renewed sense of adventure and curiosity. By embracing the unfamiliar and incorporating small changes into our routines, we can counter the mundaneness of everyday life, ultimately leading to increased happiness, personal growth, and a more profound connection to the world around us.

    In these uncertain times, it can be easy to forget the joys of travel and exploration. By taking ownership of our environment, we can rediscover old passions with fresh eyes and make our home as exciting as any place in the world. With determination and creativity, we can all find ways to cultivate an explorer mindset and create our own unique adventures.

    Let’s get out there and see what the world has to offer — even if it’s just in our own backyards!

  • Bubbly

    The Joys of Waking Up Early: A 5:00 AM Revelation

    Do you ever feel like you’re always racing against the clock? Struggling to get everything done in the day? Well, I’m about to let you in on a little secret – waking up early might just be the life-changing solution you need.

    When my husband started getting up at 5:00 AM about a year ago, I genuinely thought he was bananas. I mean, the birds weren’t even awake yet! But my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to give this early bird lifestyle a try. Spoiler alert: I never looked back. After experiencing the extraordinary benefits firsthand, I’m here to share them with you – grab your morning coffee and let’s chat!

    Joining the 5:00 AM Club

    Before I dive into the marvelous rewards of waking up early, let me tell you more about how I got into it. At first, I joined my husband in his morning routine just because he kept bragging about how great it was and the coffee smelled so good. But as I gradually adjusted to this new way of living, I began to experience some fantastic benefits that now make me jump out of bed without a second thought – and yes, even when hubby isn’t around!

    Sunrise Wonders

    Sunrise is a magical experience. There is something special about greeting the day with the warm, golden light that spreads across the sky as the sun slowly emerges from the horizon. It’s an unparalleled sight, and simply begs to be savored with a steaming mug of coffee.

    Stretching Your Productivity

    When you rise early, you gain valuable extra time to focus on your priorities before the rest of the world wakes up and hits peak chaos levels. From exercise to meditation or simply finishing that long-forgotten book, those early hours are all YOURS. Say goodbye to procrastination and hello to efficiency!

    Embrace Your Inner Circadian Rhythm

    Our bodies have a natural clock – our circadian rhythm – that regulates our sleep/wake cycle. By waking up at the same time every morning, we support this rhythm, leading to better quality sleep, improved mood, and increased energy throughout the day. Who wouldn’t want that?

    Health Benefits Galore

    Waking up early can lead to better mental and physical health. Early risers tend to make healthier food choices, have lower stress levels, and more time for activities that nourish the mind, body, and soul. Trust me – your body and mind will thank you.

    Give It a Whirl!

    Sure, waking up at 5:00 AM might seem daunting at first. Heck, I was a die-hard snooze alarm gal too. But now that I’ve made friends with the early morning hours, I never want to go back. I encourage you to open your arms (and eyes) to a whole new world of self-nurturing, increased productivity, and absolute joy.

    I’d love to hear from you if you decide to give it a shot. Share your experiences in the comments, or hit me up on social media. Happy waking, my early bird besties!

  • Bubbly

    What Do The Eyes Tell You: A Journey Through Our Windows to the Soul

    Eyes have been considered the windows to the soul for centuries, and with good reason. Our eyes can reveal a lot about our emotions, thoughts, and intentions. As humans, we’ve evolved to read others’ facial expressions and emotions through their eyes. From the moment we are born, we are connected to the world by the eyes of our loved ones. Eyes are the windows to the soul, revealing an individual’s character, emotions, and life experiences. By gazing into someone’s eyes, we can unlock the true essence of their being and gain a deeper understanding of who they are.

    While eye contact plays a significant role in human communication, some individuals find it uncomfortable or challenging to maintain. There could be various reasons, from shyness and low self-esteem to cultural background, anxiety, or even autism spectrum disorder. By understanding the reason behind this discomfort, we can be more empathetic and aware of the needs and feelings of those around us.

    The eyes can reveal a plethora of emotions varying from joy and love to anger, sadness, and deceit. A careful glance into someone’s eyes can help you understand the undertone of their words and the sincerity behind their actions.

    My husband’s ability to read my moods through my eyes is nothing short of remarkable. Even before I utter a single word, he can sense my emotions and understand me on a deep, intimate level. It’s as if he has honed the skill of reading my eye expressions to perfection, and sometimes, it feels as if he knows me better than I know myself. His ability to connect with me on such a profound level makes me feel loved and seen in the deepest possible way.

    Our fascination with eyes has been reflected in literature throughout history. Here are some notable quotes highlighting the beauty and depth of our eyes as windows to our souls:
    “The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden…” – Paulo Coelho
    “The soul, fortunately, has the ability to speak through the eyes.” – Virginia Woolf
    “The eyes are the windows of the soul. When words are not enough, they can say everything.” – William Shakespeare

    The concept of our eyes being the windows to the soul is not merely a romantic ideal. It serves as a reminder that genuine connections and understanding stem from empathy, sincerity, and mutual respect. By looking into someone’s eyes, we can decipher the emotions that lie beneath the spoken words and forge deeper relationships built on honesty, trust, and the willingness to connect.
    Eyes might be one of the most treasured aspects of our human experience. So, the next time you converse with someone, remember that there is more than just meets the eye – you might just catch a glimpse of their soul, as well!

  • Bubbly

    What Exactly Is Qigong and Why You Should Be Doing It

    Have you been searching for a way to stay balanced and grounded throughout the stressors of daily life, especially during the ever-changing landscape of peri-menopause and menopause? Look no further. Discover the ancient art of Qigong, and learn how a daily practice has changed my life. This simple daily practice can help women take control of their emotional and physical well-being without drugs, expensive gym memberships or therapy sessions!

    What Is Qigong?

    Qigong, pronounced ‘chee-gong’, is an ancient Chinese form of mind-body exercise that integrates movement, breath, and mindfulness. The practice focuses on cultivating and balancing the body’s vital energy, also known as “qi” or “chi.” While the roots of Qigong date back over 5,000 years, it continues to gain popularity in Western culture due to its numerous benefits, including improved health, stress reduction, and increased mindfulness.

    Emotional Benefits of Qigong

    Qigong has been lauded for its countless emotional benefits, which include:

    1. Stress reduction: Qigong’s slow, gentle movements facilitate relaxation, helping to regulate the stressors of everyday life. Dr. Roger Jahnke, a Qigong expert, explains, “In Qigong practice, we suspend activity and the reactivity of the thinking mind, while engaging the feeling-processing mind.”
    2. Enhanced mindfulness: Qigong allows practitioners to cultivate mindfulness by focusing on breath and movement simultaneously, ultimately bringing the mind and body into harmony.
    3. Decreased anxiety and depression: Research has shown that Qigong’s meditative aspects can help to alleviate anxiety and depression, leading to a more balanced emotional state.

    Physical Benefits of Qigong

    Qigong offers numerous physical benefits that contribute to overall well-being:

    1. Improved flexibility: Qigong’s gentle, flowing movements increase flexibility in muscles and joints, reducing the likelihood of injury and improving mobility.
    2. Enhanced immune system: Studies have shown that Qigong practice has a positive impact on immune function, increasing the body’s ability to fight off illness and disease.
    3. Better balance: Qigong helps to strengthen core muscles and improve balance, reducing the risk of falls and promoting overall stability.

    How Qigong Benefits Women in Peri-Menopause and Menopause

    Qigong has been found to be particularly beneficial for women going through peri-menopause and menopause. According to Dr. Nan Lu, a Qigong expert in women’s health, the practice can help alleviate common symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and fatigue. Additionally, Qigong’s meditative focus can help women navigate through the emotional upheavals often encountered during this transitional phase in their lives.

    Why Qigong Should Be a Life-Long Practice

    Qigong promotes mental, emotional, and physical harmony, making it an ideal lifelong practice. By committing to Qigong, you can maintain health and well-being as you age gracefully. It’s never too late to start. The more you practice, the deeper the benefits become.

    Want to learn more?

    If you are ready to try something new and take the first step toward a healthier, more balanced life check out one of my favorite easy-to-follow Qigong exercises on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GtFp6sz5zM&pp=ygUGcWlnb25n

  • Bubbly

    The Importance of Nurture in Your Relationships

    As we age, our relationships become more and more important to us. We start to realize that life is short, and we want to make the most of the time we have with the people we love. But as we get older, it can be harder to maintain those relationships. People move away, work and family obligations take up more of our time, and sometimes, we just drift apart. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to nurture our relationships, especially as we get older. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the benefits of nurturing our relationships and give you some tips on how to do it.

    1. Nurturing Relationships Improves Our Mental Health

    One of the biggest benefits of nurturing our relationships is that it can improve our mental health. Studies have shown that people who have strong social connections are happier, healthier, and live longer than those who don’t. That’s because when we spend time with people we care about, we feel supported, loved, and valued. We need those positive feelings to help us cope with life’s challenges, especially as we get older.

    1. Nurturing Relationships Helps Us Stay Connected

    Another benefit of nurturing our relationships is that it helps us stay connected to the people who matter most to us. As we age, it’s easy to lose touch with old friends and family members, especially if they live far away. But by making an effort to stay connected, we can maintain those relationships and keep them strong. Even simple things like sending an email or a text message can make a big difference in how connected we feel to the people we care about.

    1. Nurturing Relationships Helps Us Create New Connections

    Nurturing our relationships doesn’t just mean maintaining the ones we already have. It also means creating new connections with people who share our interests and values. By joining clubs or organizations, taking classes, or volunteering, we can meet new people and build new relationships. This is especially important as we get older, when it can be harder to make new friends.

    1. Nurturing Relationships Improves Our Communication Skills

    Nurturing our relationships requires good communication skills. We need to be able to express our thoughts and feelings clearly, listen actively, and resolve conflicts in a healthy way. By practicing these skills in our relationships, we can improve our communication skills in all areas of our lives. This can help us feel more confident, reduce stress, and improve our overall quality of life.

    1. Nurturing Relationships Helps Us Live a More Fulfilling Life

    At the end of the day, nurturing our relationships is about living a more fulfilling life. When we have strong connections with the people we care about, we feel more satisfied, more connected, and more at peace. We know that we’re not alone in the world, and that there are people who love us and care about us. That knowledge can give us the courage and strength we need to face whatever challenges come our way.

    Nurturing our relationships is one of the most important things we can do for our mental, emotional, and physical health. Whether it’s by maintaining old connections or creating new ones, the effort we put into our relationships is always worth it. So take the time to reach out to the people you care about, share your thoughts and feelings, and let them know how much you appreciate them. The benefits of nurturing your relationships will be with you for a lifetime.

  • Bubbly

    Get Your Hike On In Sedona, Arizona!

    Hey fellow moms and business owners! We pulled off a major accomplishment last weekend – a girl’s trip to Sedona, Arizona! Our plan was to indulge in some amazing food, relax with massages, and go on some light hikes. We had to keep it light because we range in age from 46 to 51 and our joints aren’t what they used to be.

    Let me tell you, the drive into Sedona is absolutely breathtaking. It’s not your typical dry desert landscape, but a captivating mix of trees, greenery, cacti, rocks, and stunning red sandstone mountains against a powder blue sky. We were speechless with awe at Sedona’s raw beauty.

    We stayed at the Wyndham and let me share my first experience with a timeshare. I was in charge of planning our itinerary (lucky me) and ended up at the concierge desk where we were given a sales pitch. They enticed us with $100 off dinner and $250 off an ATV tour if we listened to a one-hour sales pitch. Despite my initial doubts, we all agreed to give it a shot. Long story short, two hours later, we were finally free, beaten down, and contemplating spending more money. Lesson learned, right?

    The next day, we did some shopping and treated ourselves to massages at New Day Spa. Unfortunately, we weren’t impressed. The masseuse had only been in the business for two months and it showed. Definitely ask about their experience before booking an appointment. After that disappointment, we headed to Steakhouse89 for our fancy dinner. Big mistake! The food was cold and we were all let down. The only saving grace was the bartender’s killer martinis.

    On the following day, we embarked on a hike to Devil’s Bridge. Turns out, I made a mistake in the itinerary and we ended up on the wrong trail. We hiked for hours and it was far from easy. We even slid down a mountain on our behinds just to find an easier path. But hey, it was still a beautiful experience, especially seeing the air balloons rising in the morning. We also stumbled upon Sedonuts, a must-stop for delicious donuts.

    We wrapped up the day with beers at Oak Creek Brewing and an amazing dinner at Pisa Lisa. Make sure to order pizza with Mike’s Hot Honey and a Strawberry Italian Soda with vodka. Trust me, it’s not on the menu, but the girls will hook you up.

    One of the highlights of our trip was breakfast at Casa Sedona Inn. The restaurant has a charming ambiance and the food is absolutely delicious. Don’t miss out on their Bloody Mary and Huevos Rancheros. You won’t be disappointed.

    There you have it, our adventure in Sedona. It had its ups and downs, but we made the most of it. And if you ever find yourself in town, make sure to check out these local spots. Cheers to memorable girl’s trips!

  • Bubbly

    Almost all grown up…except he doesn’t know how to use a can opener.

    So, I went to visit my youngest son at ASU last weekend. He moved into a new apartment this year and his dad and older brothers went with him for the drop-off. You won’t believe what they brought – just clothes, toiletries, and a blow-up mattress! I felt bad at first, but it turns out they took him to Target and he said he didn’t need anything. So, they left him with a lifetime supply of toilet paper and headed home. That’s how guys do a successful college drop-off.

    This is his second year at ASU, so he decided to try apartment living instead of the dorms. He quickly realized that he didn’t have any kitchen equipment or cooking skills, so he called me for help. I bought him some basic kitchen essentials and, of course, my cast iron skillet – I can’t live without it. Then, I headed over to lend him a hand.

    When I arrived, he was genuinely excited and we unloaded all his new cooking tools. Turns out, he didn’t really know how to use any of them, but we’ll figure that out later.

    What surprised me the most was that he moved in with two girls who had been there since last year, and there was nothing in the living area except a TV. Not the most inviting space without somewhere to sit.

    Now, you might think that poor college students couldn’t afford furniture. Well, let me tell you that’s nonsense! It took me just 5 minutes to find cheap or even free furniture on websites like offerup.com and letgo.com. I mean, come on, how did I find this stuff quicker than a bunch of millennials? John has a truck and two arms, so he’s perfectly capable of picking up that free dresser down the street!

    I truly believe that our surroundings have a big impact on how we feel and function. Some people are surprised by the bold colors in my house, but they make me want to dance around. A room painted in shades of beige just makes me want to crawl into a hole and die. Vibrant colors wake you up, put a smile on your face, and improve your mood.

    I’m not saying these kids need to hire a decorator or become experts in feng shui, but we can do better.

    How about having a place to sit, hang out with friends, and share a meal? How can you be productive doing homework on a blow-up mattress on the floor, with gray sheets no less? Doesn’t sound very inspiring to me.

    As I stood in his room, clothes scattered all over the floor, he picked things up and shoved them in my face for the “smell test.” I was about to have a mom-attack!

    As much as I wanted to go all out and decorate his college room, I held back a bit. In his eyes, the room was “fine, mom.” I didn’t paint the walls orange or go crazy with a bright green lacquered desk or polka-dotted chair. But I did clean up the place, get him a wooden desk, comfy chairs, candles, floor mats, and a hamper. That should do the trick.

    We also went grocery shopping, and I left him some easy one-skillet recipes that I found online. These recipes are perfect for college-age cooks – simple and no hassle with lots of pots and pans to clean.

    He’s been calling me every day as he makes each of the meals.  It wasn’t my proudest moment when he told me he didn’t know how to use a can opener, but at least he’s learned now. And who knows, maybe a few cooking skills will impress the girls!

    He just texted me saying, “This is the best I’ve eaten since living in AZ.”

    Who knows what culinary heights chef John will reach from here! Hopefully, he’ll keep his room at least somewhat clean until my next visit.

  • Bubbly

    Nothing to talk about? Get out of the conversational rut!

    This weekend, something happened. It wasn’t the first time, but this time it felt different. It felt uncomfortable, palpable, and it scared me.

    My fiancé and I were sitting at a table, finishing dinner, and we had nothing to talk about. We looked at each other, smiled, took sips of water, and tried to make small talk about what happened to the waitress with our check. But it all felt…awkward.

    Welcome to year eleven of our relationship. Maybe I should have been grateful that we made it this far before hitting this point, but instead, panic set in.

    The past 6 months have been rough. I’ve been laser-focused on work, putting in long hours and nights as financial pressures have been mounting. We couldn’t afford a vacation this year, and nights out with friends have become infrequent due to lack of time and money. To make matters worse, it’s August, the sports lull. Basketball season is over, and football is still in pre-season, leaving us with little to talk about when it comes to sports our shared past-time and passion. It felt incredibly uncomfortable, like we were heading into dangerous territory for our relationship.

    But then, I realized that we weren’t alone in our awkward silence.

    The father and son at the table next to us had barely exchanged two words throughout dinner. Both were engrossed in their cell phones, finding solace and entertainment in their screens rather than engaging in an actual conversation. I’ve been in similar situations with my own kids, and while I would bug them relentlessly until they put their phones away and started talking, I felt empathy for the dad who had given up the fight and buried his head in his own electronic device.

    If I had wanted to seek comfort in my phone at that moment, I couldn’t. I intentionally leave my phone at home when I’m out with my fiancé to resist the temptations. I believe in being present in life, and for me, that means cutting the electronic umbilical cord. We are living in an age where instead of experiencing life and engaging with one another, we spend way too much time with our heads down, fixated on tiny screens.

    When you think about it, it’s funny how much time we spend living through other people’s lives on social media. We compare ourselves endlessly, often feeling inadequate and either shutting down or putting on a fake show. It’s all about those filtered selfies and group photos, trying to show the world how amazing our lives are even when we’re feeling anything but.

    But you know what? The problem isn’t just our phones. It’s not like our ability to communicate disappears because we’ve spent too much time staring at screens. So where does this overwhelming silence come from? Are we just getting bored with each other? Is this the beginning of becoming that elderly couple that sits in complete silence during meals? Is it inevitable? Do we choose to embrace the silence or move on to something new?

    That’s the situation my partner and I found ourselves in. No distractions, no devices in sight. And yet, we had nothing left to say or share. The silence was heavy, and I was terrified for our future.

    I’ve learned from a 17-year relationship that ended in divorce that the honeymoon stage doesn’t last forever. Relationships can easily become stagnant if we’re not careful. Boredom can sneak up on us, even when we least expect it. Sure, setting aside a regular “date night” with your partner is a good start, but if it always ends up being dinner and a movie, it gets old real quick.

    I knew it was time to put all my creativity to work and plan a special date night with my partner. I wanted to spice things up, try something new, and hopefully spark some serious magic between us. I decided to surprise him with a beginner dance class that only cost twenty bucks! It seemed like a fun way to connect physically and have a good laugh together. When I spilled the beans about my plan, he playfully rolled his eyes but agreed to give it a shot.

    Let me tell you, we were hilariously terrible on that dance floor. We stumbled, stepped on each other’s toes, and laughed until our bellies hurt. Despite the awkwardness, the class was a success. However, the sales pitch at the end of the lesson got a bit annoying when they revealed the price for regular classes. It was way out of our budget, so we gracefully made our exit.

    What’s next in my bag of tricks?

    TABLETOPICS for Couples: Questions to Start Great Conversations! It’s a couples card game filled with thought-provoking questions that challenge and inspire, both individually and as a couple. It’s like a fun tool to ignite meaningful conversations about what makes us unique and what brings us together. And the best part? It’s only 25 bucks on AMAZON and ships for free!

    Totally within budget and no Foxtrot knowledge required!

    They have family versions as well.  Whether it is struggling to get your kids to lift their heads out of their phones & really connect with you or finding things to spark great conversations at your next family/friend gathering this would make a great centerpiece for the dinner table.

    Give it a try and let me know if it works for you!