
This isn't a blog that is just about make-up or skin-care. Goodness knows there are a million of those in the world. We want to cover ALL things beautiful; art, decorating ideas, gifts for friends and family, products we use and love and the things that just make life a little bit the UTI prevention product, Uqora, that I was just introduced to yesterday. That may not sound 'beautiful' to some but after three UTI's in a row I call it one of the most fabulous discoveries of my lifetime and if that isn't BEAUTIFUL I don't know what is!

  • Beauty

    Getting Creative!

    I used to love to write poetry but haven’t done it in a long time. I talked Friday about the act of creating and the importance of art in our lives. This is my attempt to get back in touch with my creative voice and build those muscles back up.

  • Beauty

    Could Detoxing Your Skin Be the Answer? Simplify Your Skincare for Glowing Results

    I’ve got a skincare revelation for all my goddesses out there. Have you ever felt like you’re just slathering WAY too many products on your face? I know I have, and we’re not alone! Our beauty aisles are overflowing with “holy grail” and “life-changing” potions that, let’s be honest, make us want them all. As we get wiser (and more fabulous) with age, our skincare routine just seems to grow longer and longer. But what if there’s another way?

    Time for a Skincare Detox

    I’ve discovered something called a skincare detox, also known as skin fasting, and it just makes total sense that we should give our beautiful faces a break. This detox involves taking a break from all those fancy and complicated skincare products and returning to our roots with a simplified routine.

    So, why is this important? First off, your skin could use a darn vacation! Giving your skin a break from all those ingredients and steps can actually help it regain balance, calm irritation, and even lead to clearer skin. And let’s not forget the amazing time and money savings involved!

    The Benefits of Simplifying Your Skincare Routine

    I know what you’re thinking – will my skin survive without my 12-step routine? 🤔 Trust me, it will – in fact, it may even thank you! Here are some benefits that we can enjoy:

    1. Reduced risk of irritation and breakouts: Too many products and active ingredients can clog our pores and cause all those unfriendly breakouts. Simplifying can actually help our skin stay balanced and less irritated.
    2. Time and energy-saving: Less time spent in the bathroom means more time for binge-watching our favorite shows, catching up on that book we bought three months ago, or, you know, sleep.

    Detox Length – How Long Should We Give Our Skin a Break?

    Now, I wouldn’t recommend going cold turkey and ditching all your beloved products right away. Start small, perhaps by using a simple cleanser, hyaluronic acid, and eye cream only combination for a week and see how your skin looks and feels. It’s important to be patient, give your skin time to heal and then adjust the duration of the detox based on how it feels and reacts.

    The Results You Can Expect

    Alright, now let’s get to the juicy part: the results! By giving our skin a well-deserved break and simplifying our routine, we may find that our skin looks clearer, feels more balanced, and appears more radiant. Plus, we get the bonus of saving time and money, and who doesn’t love that?

    So, what do you think, ladies? Are you ready to take the plunge and detox your skin? I’d love for you to join me on this skin-simplifying journey and share your experiences! Let’s chat in the comments! Cheers to a glowing, refreshed, and more manageable skincare routine! ✨

  • Beauty

    Intimacy and Sex Over 50: Getting Your Confidence Back and Celebrating Your Body

    Feeling sexy after 50 may seem like a struggle, but it shouldn’t be. Just because society obsesses over youth doesn’t mean women over 50 are any less attractive or desirable. Let’s explore the root causes of this mindset, examine the reality behind some common misconceptions, and see if we can find some solutions to overcoming these obstacles. By embracing our age and experiences, we can cultivate true confidence and ageless sexiness.

    Why Do We as Women Feel Put Out to Pasture After the Age of 50?

    In a world where youth is glorified and often equated with beauty, once we hit 50 we can begin to feel sidelined or ignored. This mindset can make it difficult to feel attractive, causing insecurities that can impact both our self-confidence and intimate relationships. It’s essential to recognize that youth doesn’t have a monopoly on beauty – as women over 50 we have a wealth of experience, wisdom, and uniqueness that can only be attained with time.

    The Cultural Pressure of Youthful Beauty

    Constant exposure to images of younger women in the media, paired with the multi-billion-dollar beauty and cosmetic surgery industries, creates an environment that pressures us to look and feel like our younger counterparts. This pressure often brings about a negative self-image and we begin to seek out age-defying serums and procedures in an attempt to meet these unrealistic standards. We have to remember that true beauty lies in embracing and celebrating our unique journey, not subscribing to the expectations of others.

    Do Our Partners Really Want a Younger Woman, or Is That Just Our Own Hang-Up?

    One common fear among women over 50 is the belief that their partners desire a younger woman. However, research reveals that age is not a major factor in men’s attraction to their partners. A study by AARP (that membership is good for more than just discounts) found that 75% of men aged 45-59 are attracted to women their own age and are still satisfied with their sex life. So, perhaps it’s time we stop worrying about our partners’ desires and start focusing on celebrating our relationships and mutual attraction.

    So Where Does That Leave Us?

    How about rather than feeling sidelined, maybe we should instead embrace our age and the life experiences that come with it. Let’s refuse to be dictated by societal norms, forge our own unique path, and allow for a world in which our confidence and intimacy flourish. Ultimately, this mindset will positively impact our intimate relationships and enable us to grow and thrive sexually.

    How Can We Get Our Confidence Back, Lose the Inhibitions, and Celebrate Our Bodies?

    As women over 50, we can reclaim confidence in our bodies and our sexuality by:

    • Recognizing that beauty doesn’t have an expiration date
    • Embracing age as an asset, not a liability
    • Prioritizing our own self-care and self-love, regardless of our age
    • Engaging in open conversations with partners about sexuality and aging
    • Exploring new avenues for intimacy and pleasure

    “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do,” shares Brené Brown, acclaimed author and life coach.

  • Beauty

    Morning Rituals for a Productive and Balanced Day

    Mornings are crucial to how the rest of your day goes. Starting your day the right way sets you up to achieve your goals and be productive throughout the day. As women over 50, taking advantage of the early hours of the day has a significant impact on our overall wellness and productivity. In this blog post, we will explore some amazing morning rituals that can help ensure that you start your day right. From a good workout to meditation and everything in between, these rituals will surely have you feeling more balanced and productive.

    Start with Hydration

    As we all know, hydration is important for overall health. And it’s even more important in the morning to kickstart your body’s various functions after a long fast. You may have heard the phrase, “Start your day with a glass of water,” and it’s undoubtedly true. Drinking a glass of water the first thing in the morning can help flush out toxins, hydrate your body, and improve digestion. It can also help maintain balanced glucose levels and keep you more alert throughout the day.

    Get Moving

    Whether you prefer a hardcore workout or a gentle stretch, getting moving in the morning is an excellent way to start your day. Exercise releases endorphins that can improve your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve cognitive functions. Also, when you get your heart rate up in the morning, you’ll feel more energized for the rest of the day. Exercise is great for overall health, particularly if it’s a regular habit.

    Practice Gratitude

    Taking a few minutes to slow down and appreciate the good things in your life can do wonders for your mental and emotional well-being. Practicing gratitude every morning can help you start your day on a positive note and improve your overall mindset. It could be as simple as taking note of three things you are thankful for in your life. This gratitude practice allows your mind to be open to new experiences and opportunities rather than being clouded by negative thoughts.

    Plan Your Day

    Taking a few minutes at the start of each day to plan out your day can be incredibly productive. It allows you to prioritize your tasks and get organized. By knowing what needs to be done, you can create a plan that includes the most important tasks and allocate the time you need to complete them. Planning helps you enter each day with clarity and allows you to visualize what you need to achieve for the day.


    Meditation is an amazing way to start your day by calming your mind and reducing stress and anxiety. A few minutes of stillness and quiet can go a long way in helping you achieve balance and focus, which leads to productivity throughout the day. You may choose to meditate for only ten minutes, and that alone can reap numerous benefits for your overall well-being.


    Starting your day with healthy morning rituals can help you maintain balance and productivity throughout your day. Drinking water, exercising, practicing gratitude, planning your day, and meditating can all contribute to your overall mental and physical health. These rituals help you create a routine that sets you up for success and ensure that you take care of your body, mind, and spirit. Remember, the morning is a new opportunity to start fresh and create the day you want. Try incorporating one or more of these morning rituals into your daily routine, and you’ll be sure to see a positive change in your day-to-day life.

  • Beauty

    Simple & Natural Skincare

    This skincare line is luxurious, natural, & has been a dream for my skin. No more breakouts, great hydration, and the sunspots are disappearing.

    I love the simplicity of this product!

    Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.  Buy the beauty bundle!

  • Beauty

    Sick & Tired of UTI’s? Check out the fix & it isn’t more antibiotics!

    I hate UTI’s!  Earlier this year I suffered three months of UTI’s back to back.  I was taking cranberry + D-Mannose, pro-biotics, pain meds, and drinking cranberry juice by the gallons and still every few weeks would come another sleepless night on the couch in pain as the UTI’s persisted.

    With each visit to my doctor, I was given another antibiotic.  When he pulled out his prescription pad to write me a script to take a low dose antibiotic after sex, I said no thanks and walked out in complete frustration.  Surely, more antibiotics couldn’t be the only solution available?

    I love when the universe steps in with the perfect answer at the perfect time.

    A week after that last frustrating doctor’s appointment I was cast in a commercial for a UTI prevention product.  How crazy is that?  What was even better was meeting the founder of Uqora on the shoot and getting a full introduction into her UTI prevention products.

    Here was this amazing woman, who like so many of us, had been struggling with UTI’s and decided enough was enough and went out, did some serious research on the problem, and came up with a solution.

    AND IT WORKS!   Jenna is now my personal hero.

    I’ve been using the Uqora products ever since that shoot and I haven’t suffered a UTI since.

    Click below and make UTI’s a thing of the past!


  • Beauty

    Fill your world with beautiful art!

    I’m a huge fan of Jason and his art. When I asked him if he would be interested in having one of his pieces showcased on Beauty Brains Booze he generously said ‘yes’ before the first episode had even been shot. We are incredibly lucky to have him as a sponsor and he has extended a 20% off discount to all of our Beauty Brains Booze viewers. Check out all of his incredible work @

    Jason Yokobosky is a commercial advertising and fine art photographer. His passion for capturing beautiful landscape and oceanic images leads him around the globe looking for his next “best shot”. Most of his days are spent in and around the ocean with a camera and smile from ear to ear.

    The centerpiece on display in our show is called “Mornings in the Southbay” The cost for this exact piece is $1,275 but our viewers can receive a 20% discount by entering the discount code “BBB”


  • Beauty

    Sera Labs

    Review for Sera Labs

    Sera Labs uses only the best Organic Non-GMO hemp grown, harvested and manufactured in the U.S.A.

    They remove the THC using an FDA approved process, which means that you will never get “high” from any of their CBD products, and every product is 100% legal in ALL 50 states!

    You can safely get help (without prescriptions or expensive doctor visits) with many issues such as:

                √ Anxiety and stress

                √ Chronic muscle aches and pains

                √ Mood and sleep troubles

                √ Lack of focus and clarity

    Their web site offers 30 different products and the link below will give you up to a 40% discount and Free Shipping when buying more than 1 unit.

  • Beauty

    The one daily supplement your cells need isn’t a multivitamin.

    The one daily supplement your cells need isn’t a multivitamin. Meet Basis – developed by the world’s leading scientists, clinically validated.

    About Elysium Health:

    • Elysium is a new kind of health company — specifically focused on proactive health.
    • Elysium Health is a science-first company. Their first product, Basis, is proven to increase and sustain NAD+ levels by an average of 40% in humans and is backed by an independent, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical study published in prestigious Nature Partner Journals: Aging and Mechanisms of Disease.
    • The Founder is the head of the Glenn Laboratory for the Science of Aging at MIT. Guarente and his team of researchers study how and why humans age.
    • The ingredients in Basis have been tested for safety and are produced in facilities that exceed FDA requirements. Basis also undergoes rigorous third party purity testing.
    • The Ingredients in Basis are vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, and contain no artificial colors or flavors.

    Click here to learn more about Elysium’s Clinical Trial Studying Basis!


  • Beauty

    Shop for women’s clothing fashions on Amazon? Really?

    Who doesn’t love Amazon?  I often feel guilty when purchasing from this jugger knot of a corporation because I worry that it is putting the smaller mom & pop boutiques out of business.  I watched Sleepless in Seattle and cheered for Meg Ryan’s children’s bookstore to survive the evil onslaught of the corporate giant.  But even Meg, in the end, had to give up and give in to the changing times.

    I’ve never really enjoyed shopping as an activity.  I remember being in High School and girlfriends clamoring for mom’s to drop us off for a Saturday at the mall.  Somehow I could never relate to their shopping bliss.  While I would watch girlfriends spend what felt like DAYS digging through every rack and trying on endless outfits, twittering about what looked best, I was bored out of my skull.  My idea of shopping is to walk through a store in a single pass & if something pops out like a fabric, pattern, color, etc., I might stop and peak but otherwise, I could be in and out within the time span of about 5 minutes and ready to go grab a lemonade & hotdog on a stick.

    Even today, when my fiance’ needs a new pair of pants or a shirt, he clamors to spend a day walking and shopping, trying on outfits, modeling them for me, and asking if his ass looks good in whatever pants he is trying on.  I’m a little more okay with this nowadays because a lot of the men’s stores have comfy chairs and serve cocktails.  Fine, I’ll shop with you if I can sit and have someone bring me free whiskey neat, please.

    So with the show taping around the corner, I realized my wardrobe was sadly lacking.  I really needed to pick up a few jewel-colored blouses (the colors work well on camera) but was really unsure where I was going to even find the time to look.  My closet has become increasingly full of white t-shirts, jeans, sneakers and some simple black wardrobe pieces that allow me to travel with only one to two pairs of shoes.  Checking a bag costs money these days and I avoid it as much as possible.

    We have a few boutiques right by our local grocery store so I popped in to see what I could find.  Everything seemed overpriced and trying clothes on meant breaking a sweat & walking out with my hair looking like I had just participated in a salacious role in the sack in the back room.  No such luck actually.  Sex in a dressing room is still on the bucket list though.

    Frustrated I decided to see if I could just pick up something online.  I typed in jewel-colored women’s blouse and scrolled through pictures of tops that either was a fit for my niece or a grandmother but nothing that really appealed to a woman in between (unless I  wanted to spend a pretty penny on a high-end luxury item).  Not in the budget.

    I ran across a few sites that were filled with amazing pictures of fashionable pieces being worn by 6′ tall gorgeous models.  I actually put a few in the cart and almost checked out before I stopped to do a quick consumer review check on the sites.  It was quickly apparent that what was being showcased and what I was going to receive was vastly different.  Most of the reviews were 1 star out of 5 and the only reason for the one-star was because zero wasn’t an option.  While I love a good joke, I don’t have time to order stuff that is going to show up with one sleeve longer than another, armholes that cut off your circulation, or fabrics that scratch at your skin or are completely see-through.

    So my next step was to Google best online clothing shops for women on a budget.  Again, it would seem that most of the budget-friendly options were targeted to younger women that were looking to buy the latest trendy fashions.  Just not my demographic any longer.

    Then I came across a blog that rated Amazon in the top 10 best places to shop for women’s fashion clothing.  Amazon?  Really?

    Here is what I loved about the Amazon shop experience:

    1. Tons of options
    2. Amazon makes it incredibly easy to keyword search for exactly what you are looking for saving lots of time
    3. They let you filter out advertisers who have low consumer star rating reviews
    4. Cheap, cheap, cheap.  Who doesn’t love a bargain?
    5. Quick delivery on most items.
    6. Easy returns

    Best of all?  Real women’s review & pictures!  While a top might have looked stunning in the ad photos the fact that you can click on the items reviews and see what was actually delivered, tried on by an average woman who maybe isn’t model tall & thin, see it in real light (not the fancy stuff they use to shoot those ads) was everything!  Plus, those size charts don’t work half the time.  I dumped things from the cart easily after looking at consumer pictures or ordered a completely different size than I normally would based on the pics and reviews women were posting.

    This is my kind of shopping!  Easy.

    All in all, I purchased three tops for a total spend of $66.97.  In my book that equates to buy 1 and get 2 free!

    In the meantime what do you think?  Will this new shop venture be a big win or am I about to get a box of cheaply made goods out of China that won’t be anywhere close to show worthy for next week?

    This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info.

  • Beauty

    Get that under-eye concealer away from me and bring in PCA skin’s sheer tint eye!

    I work full-time as an actress here in Los Angeles. Every once in a while I get booked on a job and introduced to a new product that ends up being a staple in my home. PCA skin is one of those lines that is now a must-have in my personal skincare routine.

    I take a lot of their stuff with me now on every shoot I book and when the make-up artist starts coming at my under eyes with concealer and powder I JUMP up, grab my bag and hand them my PCA skin Sheer Tint Eye.

    At my age, concealer and powder under my eyes = WRINKLE INTENSIFICATION NIGHTMARE!

    There is so much pressure these days to get shot up with injections and fillers to fight the aging process but as an actress, I need my face to move, and why not find ways to age gracefully and naturally.

    Once the make-up artists get their hands on this stuff they end up taking pictures of the tube and ordering it for themselves on-line. I can only hope that some other mature actress will get the benefit of them pulling this out on their shoot and leaving all the clumpy, cakey other stuff for the younger gals who can handle that kind of thing.

    I’ve had other actresses on set come up and ask to try the product and always get the same excited reaction ‘where on earth did you get this’?!

    The PCA Sheer Tint Eye doesn’t replace my daily under-eye serum but I use it over the top to protect against UVA/UVB rays, its long-wearing and formulated to minimize the appearance of the fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, and puffiness. The best part…it is tinted!!!! I generally wear this stuff with NO concealer and NO make-up or powder over the top because it provides just enough coverage and doesn’t accentuate the signs of aging.

    They carry a ton of amazing products and I promise to share some other fantastic stuff from their line in future posts. In the meantime, you can find them at and they offer FREE shipping on your first order. Let me know if you try this product and love it as much as I do!

    This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info.

  • Beauty

    Nix Clumpy Lashes & Mascara That Runs

    I struggle with mascara because one way or another it always seems to clump, run or spread. Maybe it is my Italian skin or the fact that at almost 50 I’m sporting some pretty heavy-duty eye cream but either way I hate glancing in a mirror and realizing I’ve got dark black mascara rings under my eyes. Ugh.

    A girlfriend introduced me to eyelash extensions back in 2007 and I’ve been wearing them on and off ever since.

    I get them filled every three weeks. For me, it has become a beauty routine no different than getting a mani-pedi. In fact, I would forgo the mani-pedi for my lashes any day of the week, should I have to choose between one or the other.

    Sound crazy? Here is why it’s worth it:

    1. They just flat out make you feel prettier. If our eyes are the windows to our soul; lash extensions bring attention, open them up, create a soft natural look, and make eyes look brighter and more awake.
    2. They dramatically cut down on time spent primping. If my eyes look bright and awake and great, I am ready to head out the door with not much else needed.
    3. They are a true waterproof solution! I can shower, swim, and even cry without worrying that mascara is running down my face making me look like a raccoon.
    4. No need to crimp, curl, scrub or poke. Other than running a little brush through them in the mornings they look great just the way they are.
    5. Tammy Faye clumps? Never.

    The only downside with wearing lash extensions for as many years as I have is that I hate to have to take breaks from them in order to keep my natural lashes healthy & growing. One way I avoid any damage to my natural lashes is to use a lash growth serum. You do have to be careful though that the serum you buy doesn’t contain oil which can break down your lash glue. XLash is my go-to for keeping my lashes thick, healthy and growing. Even when you aren’t using lash extensions this is an amazing product to add to your beauty kit.
    Longer lashes with Xlash
    I highly recommend lash extensions to anyone thinking about trying them. Just make sure that the person who does them is a certified lash technician.  If you are in Los Angeles you can check out my lady Karlene @ Lashing All Over the City. She is one of the most reasonably priced lash technicians in town, has years of experience, and my fave part…you get to lounge in a lazy boy while she works!

    What I wouldn’t do is get them done on a whim in the back of a nail salon— do your research, get referrals, and go to a professional.
