
Work and discipline lead to a happier life.

Forget everything you thought you knew.

Just a couple of months ago, I was right there with you, living a normal life. Then the coronavirus came crashing through the door.

For the past thirty-four years, I’ve been working my butt off raising a family, taking care of a home, and dealing with the never-ending to-do list. It’s been a life filled with obligations, drudgery, and stress. But we keep pushing through, right? Because we believe that one day, we’ll reach the pinnacle of retirement and get to relax, live life on our own terms, and enjoy the view from the top. It’s within our grasp.

But wait! Covid19 is here to crash the party, giving us a glimpse of what retirement could be like right now.

No job to rush off to. No more stressful deadlines or infuriating traffic jams. You’re living the dream, my friend. Kick back, relax, and savor every moment of this unexpected retirement experience!

Remember those golden years you’ve been waiting for? Well, they’re happening now.

No more waking up at the crack of dawn if you don’t feel like it. Lounge around, be lazy, let your hair be a mess – who cares? You have all the time in the world.

Eat whenever you want, watch all the Netflix shows you can handle, and forget about exercising. This is your time to indulge, to do whatever you please.

But after a couple of weeks, something starts to change. The bliss starts to fade, and boredom creeps in. You’ve exhausted all your Netflix shows, fallen down the rabbit hole of reality TV, and even Joe Exotic can’t make you feel better about yourself.

You catch a glimpse of your sad reflection and fear you’ve fallen into a depression. It turns out that this undisciplined life of luxury is more stressful and exhausting than you anticipated.

You long for the days of sitting in traffic on the 405. Never thought you’d say that, right?

So, you decide to make a change. Get up early, take care of yourself, and start exercising. You want to feel better about yourself, both inside and out.

And guess what? It helps.

But there’s still something missing. It’s not just about looking good or feeling healthy. You realize that you need a sense of purpose, to contribute to the world in some way.

That’s where this article comes in. You can thank me later.

It sounds crazy, but I miss having rules, structure, and a sense of being needed. Damn you, Covid19, for stealing my retirement dream. But hey, at least now I have plenty of time to redefine what my golden years will look like.

So, join me on this journey of rediscovery. Let’s reimagine our future and find new goals to strive for.

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