
Sick & Tired of UTI’s? Check out the fix & it isn’t more antibiotics!

I hate UTI’s!  Earlier this year I suffered three months of UTI’s back to back.  I was taking cranberry + D-Mannose, pro-biotics, pain meds, and drinking cranberry juice by the gallons and still every few weeks would come another sleepless night on the couch in pain as the UTI’s persisted.

With each visit to my doctor, I was given another antibiotic.  When he pulled out his prescription pad to write me a script to take a low dose antibiotic after sex, I said no thanks and walked out in complete frustration.  Surely, more antibiotics couldn’t be the only solution available?

I love when the universe steps in with the perfect answer at the perfect time.

A week after that last frustrating doctor’s appointment I was cast in a commercial for a UTI prevention product.  How crazy is that?  What was even better was meeting the founder of Uqora on the shoot and getting a full introduction into her UTI prevention products.

Here was this amazing woman, who like so many of us, had been struggling with UTI’s and decided enough was enough and went out, did some serious research on the problem, and came up with a solution.

AND IT WORKS!   Jenna is now my personal hero.

I’ve been using the Uqora products ever since that shoot and I haven’t suffered a UTI since.

Click below and make UTI’s a thing of the past!


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